Saturday, October 5, 2013

An Experiment

I'm Jenna, and I like to make stuff.

What kind of stuff do I make?  ALL THE STUFF.  I cook, I craft, I sew, knit, and crochet.

I've toyed with the idea of a food blog for a while.  Not because I think I have all this new stuff to share with the world, but for personal documentation.  Then I think "well, if it's just for myself, why blog?"

Lately, I've been experimenting with recipes.  For example, I'm messing with sugar amounts in baking.  How much can I tweak the sugar without compromising the taste and texture of the finished product?  I have found that there are some people who are interested in this, so I'll try my hand at public documentation.  Will I stick to public documentation?  I don't know.

I'll share things here that go beyond my experiments.  A lot of my recipes originated on other blogs, so whenever I post something I got from someone else, I will give credit and a link.

I will likely not share any yarn projects here.  My yarn-things are boring, but I'm trying to learn more complicated techniques.

Most crafty sewing projects of mine are suuuper basic, but I have the ability to sew more complicated things, unlike knitting and crocheting.  The really basic sewing projects are basic in that they involve straight lines, but they're awesome in that people like using what I make, and they're simple enough to make by hand if you don't have a machine.


Oh, crafts.  I can't even thing of how to describe the things I make.  What I make isn't easily summarized.  Variety is the spice of life, they say?  I'M SO SPICY.

Thank you for joining me for my experiment, and let me know what kind of things you'd like to see.  If it's something that I can do, I'll do it!  If it's something I can't do, I'll probably try! (Available materials are my only real limitation.)

Right now, I'm going to sort out my recipes, result pictures, and observations that aren't in gibberish so I can share them.

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